General Assembly 2015 at Brazzaville

5th Gieraf Congress in Brazzaville

- Under the patronage of the Minister of Health and Population
- President of the Congress: Pr J-N. Hugues
- Main theme: Male Infertility in Africa
- Sub-themes : Failures of IVF, Quality in AMP, Uterine fibroids and infertility
6 photo(s)
Workshop Place of ovarian stimulation in the management of infertility of the couple

Gieraf, Antenne Congo Brazzaville
1 document(s)
General Assembly 2013, Dakar

3 document(s)
4th Gieraf Congress at Dakar

Theme: Infections and Infertility in Africa
Subthemes: Repositioning of contraception, new technologies and infertility
6 photo(s) 1 document(s)
Infertility in Africa (Reproduction Humaine et Hormones)

The French-speaking African doctors in the GIERAF have produced articles of this journal which constitute the basis of a teaching of Reproductive Medicine most adapted to the socio-economic conditions that affect too many couples in need of children.
1 document(s)
Factsheet on Gieraf 2013

Bureau Exécutif du Gieraf
The Gieraf is born from the desire of African specialists to share their knowledge and experiences to help promote quality care in the treatment of infertility.
6 photo(s) 1 document(s)
Study the place of the male in the infertile couple in Africa

Gieraf en collaboration avec la SALF
1 document(s)
Workshop on PCOS, Hysteroscopy and Azoospermia Exploration in Bamako

Gieraf, Antenne Mali
Under the chairmanship of Minister of Health Diallo Madeleine Ba, Gieraf and the Malian Society of Gyneco-Obstetrics (SoMaGo) are organizing a workshop on polycystic ovary syndrome, as well as workshops on hysteroscopy and the exploration of azoospermia
3 document(s)
3rd Gieraf Congress at Cotonou

Theme: Management of infertility in Africa
Subtheme: low cost ART
President: Pr R. FRYDMAN
Vice-President: Pr R. PERRIN
President of the Organizing Committee: Dr. M. FIADJOE
Chairman of the Local Committee: Dr. M. LATOUNDJI
President of the Scientific Committee: Pr C. CISSE